dimanche 21 avril 2013

Fashion sale for cancer research Network


Alen K. special wedding gown for sale: 50% donation for pancreatic cancer research safest way to donate and bring generosity & romanticism into your life

USA New-York -Couture Line Unique dress 8/10-

vendredi 19 avril 2013

Alen K. for Fashion Forever Mode Internationale MONACO

As a spring birth just before Monte Carlo 'Grand Prix' and Cannes Festival 2013

Fashion Forever Mode Internationale, Lucille Gomes, Ingrid Levy and their 'dream team' bring the French International Fashion into the brightest light


Buddha Bar http://www.montecarlosbm.com/bars-lounge-and-night-club/buddha-bar/

Alen K. will be part of this Couture event with his brand new collection Adore Moi